It's time to talk
It's time to talk
Being based in Southwark and created by a black woman, the Rebel Led Team are both proud and excited to lead this conversation but we cannot do so without the community. The purpose of the Black Culture Conversation is to understand how Southwark Council could best offer support in the following four areas:
Premises and Infrastructure
Southwark want to understand the needs of organisations and buildings that already give a physical home to Black culture in Southwark.
Let’s talk about the spaces we have. Who do they serve and how we can this better serve and preserve the black community.
(Image Creator: Jonathan Banks. Copyright: Jonathan Banks)
Skills, Organisational Development and Networking.
Southwark want to explore how partnership opportunities and collaborative skills development opportunities could benefit networks and the non-building-based cultural infrastructure of the borough’s Black cultural sector.
Let’s talk about the ways we connect. What makes our communities strong and who are the people and groups that are holding things together.
(Image Creator: Senior Social. Copyright: Senior Social)
Visibility and Celebration Campaigns.
Southwark want to hear how specific public realm projects or themed celebration moments can improve visibility and showcasing opportunities to existing organisations, individuals and communities.
Let’s talk about shared identity. How do we elevate black culture and joy. How do we honour our journey so far as a national minority group?
(Image Creator: Adeyemi Michael, Entitled, 2018.)
Story Telling and History
Southwark want to hear the lived experiences of residents to gain a richer understanding of the various different cultures, languages, faiths and talents that make up the black community across the borough.
Let’s talk about what being black in Southwark means to you now and what your hopes are for the future.
(Creator: Cate Gillon. Copyright: 2008 Getty Images)